Same-sex Attraction


When it comes to the delicate topic of homosexuality, are homosexuals really “born that way” or is there another explanation? Being a homosexual is something that has been frowned upon for years. Many have committed suicide, been rejected from their family, and been rejected from society. This has led to another extreme of societal pressure to accept gays just as they are, and support their lifestyles. While many accept their lifestyles, I do not; however, I still have extreme love for my brothers and sisters that struggle with Same-sex Attraction.

To look at the science of it, if homosexuals were “born that way” there would need to be a “gay” gene, meaning all those who struggle with Same-sex Attraction would need to carry this gene. Thus, it would be passed down from the parents, biologically. That idea, however, was discredited when a study was done involving twins. In order for the gay gene to be real, both twins would need to be gay 100% of the time. What they found was that only a small percentage of the time were both actually gay. (View the following video about Understanding Same-sex Attraction.) We can then see that SSA (Same-sex Attraction) is not a biologically passed down.

There are, however, components that can go into the many reasons someone might struggle with SSA. For example: an atypical girl wanting to play with cars, or an atypical male wanting to play with dolls. That’s just the way they were born. Furthermore, there are other components that can go into SSA including a child’s temperament.

To continue, we learn that often (not always), SSA is acquired through various experiences. In the video above, it states that there are certain ways SSA can be acquired, those being: having a wounded sense of gender identity, bullying at a young age (or any age for that matter), issues with the father figure in the home, mother confusion, sexual abuse, lack of healthy touch, and pornography. Often what SSA is, is really just a longing for social interaction, connection, and association with members of the same gender.

From experience, and people I know and love dearly, those reasons above are exactly the case! Many of the LGTBQ community (and those not involved with the community but that struggle with SSA) that I know have suffered some kind of trauma in their life. Without even realizing it, that trauma has affected them in some way, leading to same gender attraction. What an interesting phenomenon!   

How would our lives change if we though differently about SSA? How would we treat the circumstances if we knew that SSA folk weren’t born that way? The video shows many people that have changed simply by knowing that the “gay gene” isn’t real. Would you change knowing that?

Now, I’m not saying all SSA people need to change. Some have the struggle and will have the struggle the rest of their lives. And that’s okay. It’s nice to know we have a loving Heavenly Father that understands us perfectly, and will, one day, remove that ailments from those who struggle in any way shape or form. I look forward to that day, and hope you do too.

 We’ve touched on some really sensitive topics today, so will you comment below? What are your thoughts and feelings? I would seriously love to hear from you!

With some last words I ask, when it comes to gender and SSA, could there really be another explanation other than being just “born that way?” Evidence has discredited that idea and shows that there are many other reasons a person might struggle with SSA. How does this new knowledge affect you? What are your thoughts?

Other links

·       Thinking differently about Same-sex Attraction

·       Homosexuality: What Science Cannot Say


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